
Author Archives: Will

I first started photographing and capturing to film, Tommy Lee's career when he was just 17 and performing at the Starwood in a band called Suite 19. From there Tommy and I toured together in his next band, Dealer. In 1981 he invited me to record on film his journey in Motley Crue.

Motley Crue’s Unusual Market Research

How do you know you have a winning single? Test it on 8th graders. That’s exactly what Tommy and I would do. This is a picture of the mall where my photo studio was located. The red square is where my studio was. The studio was halfway between Vince and Tommy’s homes in West Covina […]

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Tommy Loves Bullwinkle

The first sentence in Motley Crue’s autobiography is.. Vince relates the stories of her squirting, her jealous rage, and Tommy’s love for her through it all. Her name in the book was changed, I suppose to protect her identity. Tommy calls her “Jessica” on page 51 of the Dirt. After introducing you to this crazy […]

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Meet Suite 19 – The Mayhem Begins

A couple years before Motley Crue was formed, Tommy Lee (then known as Tom Bass) was playing in his second band. Tommy had his first band while in high school. A band called US 101. From US 101, Tommy moved on to Suite 19. This picture was taken in my photo studio shortly after the […]

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